miercuri, 10 aprilie 2013

YG Yang Hyun Suk Finds The “Kpop Star” Franchise Experience Rewarding

With everything that is happening in his mothership, YG Entertainment, one can think YG head honcho Yang Hyun Suk simply wouldn't have time.  Yet, to prove that the man behind the stars indeed only puts importance in the things that matter, he just recently wrapped up his commitments as judge and mentor for "Kpop Star 2".  Showing no signs of burnout, Yang Hyun Suk reveals that he finds all of these efforts worth his while. 
"There were times I wanted to run away," Yang Hyun Suk jokes,  "but every time I remember that this is a program where young people come with dreams and strive to make it come true, I do my best," he continued.   So fitting for a dream-maker and dreamer like him to say this.  According to Yang Hyun Suk, the franchise is just not a show set out to pick people who sing well, instead, "the biggest difference is that we evaluate each candidate's growth potential foremost. We choose winners because we see a bright future ahead of them."  When contestants like Akdong Musician and Bang Yedam show strength and improvement towards the latter time of the show, Yang Hyun Suk admits "I was most proud when we finally unleashed their potential at that point." 
For Yang Hyun Suk, the show doesn't end at the finale, "It is always interesting to see their (the contestant's) growth process."  Showing much respect to the direction that the winners from the show chooses to take, he said it's quite understandable for a decision as to what company to join wouldn't be so quick.  Perhaps like finding a job in the real world wherein the decision is one where futures are on the line, it needs careful deliberation.
Would he do it all over again?  Given the high surf recently for Hallyu wave, set forth primarily by YG Entertainmentartist success in mainstream entertainment, "the possibility of a third season for the franchise is 50/50" he revealed.  Proving his great camaraderie with his co-judges and mentors, he said, "If a third season does happen, BoAJYP and I need to stick together.  Staffing shouldn't change as we work together well.  Perhaps the only change need to only be in the format"
Indeed, with the proteges produced by the franchise being in high-demand from Lee Hi to Akdong Musician, Yang Hyun Suk can only be proud.   Akdong Musician, this year's winner, although having not chosen their entertainment label yet, will be writing a song for a drama OST.  For the newly crowned duo, growth is just now beginning. 

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