marți, 14 mai 2013

Yang Hyun Suk rates Lee Hi’s concert as 80 out of 100 points

Lee Hi may have mesmerized 500 fans during her first solo concert ‘RE-HI‘, but it was her CEO Yang Hyun Suk who gave the final answer on whether the concert was a success or not.
Yang Hyun Suk who attended the concert was asked by a media outlet, “During the concert, Lee Hi joked, ‘CEO Yang never once gave me 100 points’, expressing her slight disappointment. If you were to rate this concert, how many points would you give her?” He answered, “Now that I think about it, I once gave Park Ji Min 100 points on ‘K-Pop Star‘, but never to Lee Hi. Hmm.. If I were to give this concert a grade, it would be around 80 points?”
To the lucky fans who attended Lee Hi’s concert, do u you agree with Yang Hyun Suk’s rating?

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