marți, 14 mai 2013

Why Did Papa YG Give Park Ji Min A Score of 100 but Lee Hi An 80?

What does Papa YG think of his newest female soloist Lee Hi‘s first standalone concert?
On May 12, Lee Hi successfully threw her first solo concert, “Secret Live RE-HI” and performed a total of 16 songs in about 90 minutes. OSEN news called up Yang Hyun Suk to ask what he thought about the concert and the artist.
During the concert, Lee Hi joked, “CEO Yang never gave me a perfect score of 100.” So when OSEN asked Yang Hyun Suk, “What score would you give her and her concert,” he answered, “I think I gave Park Ji Min a 100 during ‘K-Pop Star‘ in the past but I never gave that perfect score to Lee Hi before. If I had to give a score, I’d say that this concert was about an 80.”
Lee Hi has been named the runner-up for the first season of “K-Pop Star” and was quickly cast into YG Entertainment where she debuted as a super rookie. All three of her title tracks that were released reached the top of the music charts and music programs in just a matter of seven months.
Furthermore, Lee Hi’s first live concert was successfully held in front of an audience of 500. Without a single special guest, Lee Hi performed all 16 tracks on her own. Tens of thousands of dollars were put into this concert for the perfect live band, stage lights and set.
Yang Hyun Suk’s answer could be seen as his will to make his rookie artist even stronger. Perhaps Lee Hi will never get that perfect score of 100. YG’s other groups such as Big Bang and 2NE1 revealed that they never received a perfect score from Yang Hyun Suk either.
Not too long ago, during a certain interview, G-Dragon commented, “Hyun Suk hyung says a lot of hurtful things to Big Bang. We get upset at the moment but when we hear that he goes around speaking highly of us to others, we realize how much affection he really has for us.”
Papa YG once revealed that his philosophy for his artists is: rather than giving them fish to eat, teach them how to fish first.
On plans for Lee Hi’s next album, Yang Hyun Suk commented, “It will be hard to release another album right away. We’re trying to see if we can come up with a new single for this coming fall.”

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