duminică, 19 mai 2013

Seung-chan’s Diary: “Live Broadcast MC VI”

Today, for the 2-hour live broadcast of SSTV’s Space Shower Area show, I replaced Kyari Pamyu Pamyu chan as the MC!
I was tired because I had to keep talking for 2-hours… and I was nervous since it was broadcasted live!
But I had fun! I met again *Kyari chan and JJ san’s kindness was really good!
(T/N: Seungri made mistake here I think. Not Kyari supposedly Gyari. Kyari was absent, the other host name is Gyari)
It would be nice if you can invite me again!
You know! Today is teacher’s day in Korea! Even though they are not our real teachers, but to those people who had taken care of us, and teach us various things, today is the day to convey our gratitude feeling to them.
But, seems like there’s no such thing in Japan! Strange right? Haha
I have to tell my gratitude to Sanma san!
Thank you as always, mentor!!
Well, I’m going to sleep!
Bye bye

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