joi, 23 mai 2013

Fake 'Psy' dupes the crowd at Cannes Film Festival

When 'Psy' showed up at the Cannes Film Festival, everyone was excited! He was partying it up "Gangnam Style" around town with a couple of bodyguards accompanying him. He went around taking photos with celebrities, stepping behind the DJ booth and rallying the crowd. He even danced for a French TV station. Unfortunately, it wasn't the real Psy but rather a fake 'Gentleman'.
Thankfully, Psy and Scooter Braun caught wind of this fake 'Psy', and the real Psy quickly tweeted.
Both Psy and Scooter Braun retweeted a photo taken by photographer Dylan Don and made sure everyone knew that the real Psy was not in Cannes but in Singapore.

Would you have been fooled as well?

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