duminică, 4 martie 2012

Lee Teuk “I really want to kiss Kang Sora”

Lee Teuk revealed his true feelings.
On the March 3rd episode of "We Got Married" Lee Teuk surprised everyone by expressing his blatant wish to kiss Kang Sora.
Lee Teuk had asked Kang Sora about the right timing to kiss, after bringing up the kissing of Sungmin and Shin Soyul.
Kang Sora had been taken aback and said "I don't know because I hadn't really thought of that. I guess when the timing is right? When I feel like that I truly love this person? "
Lee Teuk had retorted "Oh so you don't feel that way about me then?" and Kang Sora had sheepishly answered "Well, we're currently in the middle of a shoot..."
Then Lee Teuk had asked the crew "Do you think you could just leave us with a camera?" causing everyone to roar with laughter.
Later during her interview, Kang Sora confessed"I was planning on kissing him anyway! And it could have been so much more natural if he hadn't brought it up."
Lee Teuk, however, blatantly expressed his wish to kiss Sora. 

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