vineri, 22 iulie 2016


seungriseyo: 짜잔 완전체 빅뱅 여기요! 10주년 이벤트 #MADEtheMOVIE #THEEXHIBITION #ATOZ #BIGBANG10 #0to10concert 10주년 기념 팬분들을위한 이벤트 엄청많죠? 맘껏 즐겨주시길 바랍니다 10주년콘서트에서 만나요! #상암월드컵경기장 #8월20일. 皆んな元気にしてますか!?5人揃って頑張ってますそろそろ日本でも5人の10周年記念ライブが #大阪 ナガイスタジアム!!!で ありますから 楽しみにして下さい絶対盛り上がりますから来てね皆んな 10周年お祝いやから ちょーーーーータノシミ!! 🎊
(Tadah, here is Big Bang as a whole! 10th anniversary event #MADEtheMOVIE #THEEXHIBITION #ATOZ #BIGBANG10 #0to10concert There are loads of events celebrating the 10th anniversary for fans, isn’t it? Please enjoy them to the fullest. See you at the 10th anniversary concert! #SangAmWorldCupStadium #August20th How has everyone been lately!? The 5 of us have been working very hard in preparation for the 10th anniversary concert by the 5 of us at the Nagai Stadium in #Osaka !!! Everyone please look forward to it and be there because everything will be fun. Being able to receive so much blessings for our 10th anniversary make us feel so—– happy! 🎊)


seungri weibo 7-2
(4th episode of “Girls Fighting” at 10:30pm tonight on Dragon TV! Let’s be there or be square! #GirlsFighting #SeungriFighting #BeThereOrBeSquare ❤️🐼)

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