joi, 14 iunie 2012

Big Bang’s G-Dragon and Taeyang snap a photo with Jung Hyung Don’s Japanese doppelganger

Big Bang‘s G-Dragon and Taeyang both snapped a hilarious photo with a Japanese doppelganger of comedian Jung Hyung Don.
G-Dragon and Taeyang each took a photo with Jung Hyung Don’s Japanese look-alike and posted it on their respective me2day and Twitter accounts.
G-Dragon posted the photo above on me2day and wrote, “I wonder if Hyung Don hyung is watching? [This man] is a staff member of a Japanese television show! Ah I’m so surprised! They look so much alike right?“.
Taeyang attached his own photo with Jung Hyung Don’s doppelganger and wrote, “I met Hyung Don hyung in Japan“. Specifically, in Taeyang’s photo, the Japanese doppelganger looks indistinguishably like Jung Hyung as he flashes Jung Hyung Don’s distinctive ”uninterested” facial expression.
Netizens who saw the photos commented, “Are they twins?“, “I seriously thought that was Hyung Don“, and “I thought Hyung Don just gained more weight“.
Source & Image(s): MyDaily, G-Dragon’s me2day, and Taeyang’s Twitter

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