On the January 1 episode of SBS’s variety show, Good Sunday-Running Man, ‘idol’ singers appeared. The regular emcees of the show are paired with each ‘idol’ guest: Leessang’s Garry and Ha Ha with f(x)’s Sulli, Song Jihyo with SHINee’s MinHo and Super Junior’s Siwon, Seok Jin and Gwang Su with Sistar’s Hyo Lyn and Jae Suk and Jong Guk with Wonder Girls’ So Hee.
Each paired team played an arithmetic game: whenever the teams pass through each stage of challenges, they can gain a number to make number 1 as a final result. To obtain symbols of operation, members of each team even wrestled with each other.
During the tussle, Kim Jong Guk, known for his muscular build, could do nothing when SHINee’s MinHo threw himself upon with a strong competitive spirit. MinHo’s Herculean strength surprised other members.
When MinHo knocked down Jong Guk, other teams’ members stormed toward Kim and fought each other to wrest a symbol of operation away from him.
The winning prize was given to the team of Sulli, Garry and Ha Ha.
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