sâmbătă, 21 aprilie 2012

Heartwarming screen shot of BoA and Michelle Lee on ‘K-Pop Star’

A heartwarming screen shot of SBS ‘K-Pop Star‘ judge BoA and contestant Michelle Lee has been revealed.
BoA retweeted a photo originally posted by a PD from the show and posted, “I miss Michelle, but when will this scene be aired? Taken after a spectacular performance!
The PD uploaded the still cut and wrote on April 20th, “A heartwarming scene I discovered while editing.” Ever since the picture was shared, fans interest in this particular episode of ‘K-Pop Star’ has greatly increased.
Fans commented on the picture saying, “Can we expect to see this scene on this week’s broadcast?“, “What a beautiful two shot“, and “I miss Michelle Lee“.
Michelle Lee was unfortunately eliminated from ‘K-Pop Star’ on the April 8th airing, not making it into the top four.

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