sâmbătă, 21 aprilie 2012

Big Bang’s G-Dragon has a fashion battle with Jung Hyung Don

Big Bang’s G-Dragon and comedian Jung Hyung Don got on each other’s nerves.
On the episode of SBS TV’s GO Show, G-Dragon had a fashion battle with Jung Hyung Don in the middle of introducing himself.
In that broadcast, G-Dragon introduced himself as the fashion leader, “People call me a fashion icon but all I did was wearing some clothes because I can’t walk around naked.”
When G-Dragon added, “I refuse to be compared with you.” Jung said, “It’s good that you have this kind of confidence.” and evaluated G-Dragon’s fashion by saying, “It looks like a burdock.”
G-Dragon and Jung gave good laughs by going around the stage and scanning each other with their peculiar movements.
MC Yoon Jong Shin praised G-Dragon’s fashion, “The scarf on your arm is striking.” G-Dragon replied, “I wore this scarf because I was afraid that the gray suit would be too casual.”
MC Kim Young Cheol stated, “G-Dragon’s fashion could bring a craze.”

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