marți, 7 februarie 2012

NU’EST to date fans in 3 different cities in Korea

Even before their official debut, boy group NU’EST is already in high demand. They have been receiving tremendous supports from many fans so as a sign of appreciation, they are taking their fans to a movie date this Valentine’s season. The movie dates will be on February 14th,18th and 19th in three different cities, Seoul, Pusan and Gwangju respectively.
The group uploaded a video on their official YouTube channel and Facebook plus the poster of the event. Pledis Entertainment also tweeted that they opened a special Twitter account that will deal with NU’EST events.
Instructions say you have to do three steps to be able to join the movie date
Step1: Take a picture of the L holder and upload it on your Twitter, Facebook and blog.
Step2: Register on NU’EST official fan cafe.
Step 3: Fill out the application form on the event board. Copy and paste the links of pictures uploaded.
Submissions are accepted from February 7th (Tue) to 11th (Sat) until 5pm. Results will be announced on the 12th (Sun) at 2pm. According to the organizer’s tweet you can check the site of the official fan cafe for specific details about the event.

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