joi, 9 februarie 2012

Big Bang @ JFK Airport, NYC

Source: Phoenixlives_

Source: Zeushero (via palebluedot09)

Source: sesshylover17

Source: toonamiville | CAT

Source: @dds87 / LORI

Source: As tagged (via @littlestar1212)

Source: @Phoenixlives_

Fan Tweets

From @lovedustalive:

TOP wasn't wearing a hat. Saw all except Seungri. GD was 5 inches away and stood next to me. I couldn't react. Followed them to their vans. GD&TOP got in one van & Bae & Dae went in another. IT HAPPENED SO FAST! Tae came out first, then ToDae & last was GD. No sign of Seungri at all.

TOP is tall for sure. YB wasn't close enough for me to estimate how much taller than me he is. Dae is tall too. Since GD stood RIGHT BESIDE ME, he is most definitely taller than me. I'm about 5'2 btw. I can't explain what I saw because it was so surreal. I was sure I was dreaming when GD stopped at my side. I just stared speechless.

From @phoenixlives_:

VI is so cute. I can see he was still sick though :( But he was walking on his own so I think he feels a little better. GD is so hot. And was taller then I thought. Daesung is mad fast,lol he was the first one to the car hahahaha. TOP's hair looks amazing. You think it looks good in pics, him in person "FLOORED". Ok Taeyang is SHOOORT, lol. But he was so sweet waving at us and a fan gave him her letter. So adorable, I love him!

From @vip4daesung (Kimmi!):

OMGD!!!! It was amazing!!!! Amazing!!!! They were gorgeous! Daesung took the letter directly from my hands, bowed and smiled at me when I bowed back, smiled and said kamsamnida. Daesung was gorgeous and his smile was beautiful... breathtaking. Loved it. I WAS ARMS LENGTH AWAY!!!

Didn't see Seungri. Was too focused on Dae, but GD was w/ him towards the back and those who saw Seungri said he was pale & leaning on his manager. T.O.P turned and smiled at us.

GD was also within arms distance. We all saw GD. He was quiet with his head down. Taeyang wouldn't take anything, letters or gifts. (He looked tired.) Daesung took 2-3 letters. Daesung was smiling and willing to do anything for the fans. Him and TOP were the most active.

There were about 30 VIPs. I was at the front though, right next to Dae. I will never forget this moment. I didn't take pictures. Too busy with the letter & focusing on Dae, but I have a few people sending me pics and video to post later.

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