vineri, 17 mai 2013

Phantom's First Ever Solo Concert to be held May 17

The concert, titled 'Go to the Phantom City.' has been keeping the members busy night and day as the big day in just hours away, sources tell.
An associate from Phantom's management company stated, "No doubt, they are all very nervous about the upcoming concert, being that it is their first one ever. But as they have put in a lot of practice, we are confident that they will leave everything on stage and put on a great show for the fans in attendance. Expect awesome."

A special event at the concert is scheduled. One fan whose story was selected during the collection period earlier this year will have the memorable experience of having the members of Phantom sing "Seaweed Soup" just for him or her on stage.Hip Hop duo Gigs and Eleven Medical Sound will feature as special guests for the concert.The concert, titled 'Go to the Phantom City.' will take place in Seoul, Korea.

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